Thursday, March 17, 2011

blog 3 infotainment

Television is used for entertainment purposes but it is also used to get the news from around the world. There are people who watch conventional news such as ABC world News tonight with Diane Sawyer or CBS news with Katie kurick. These news stations are conventional and informative but they end up only showing small clips of the news story because they don’t want people getting bored with a longer news story. The local stations have to show local news and national therefore, if there isn’t a big national story it normally gets less coverage than the local story. When there is breaking news then there is hours of coverage done by the big news stations such as ABC news, CBS, CNN, MSNBC.
          The other type of news coverage that there is entertainment news like the Daily show and the Colbert report. On these shows they tell you the news but they laugh about them all the time.  Jon tries to use comedy to explain the news through comedy. He tries to make fun of what is going on in the world so that people can laugh at the news but also know what is going on. This is called infotainment.
There are also shows that poke fun at politics more than others. Examples of these shows include Conan Obrian, Jay Leno show and SNL. They take the issues that are going on in politics and they make fun of them. They also try to create comedy out of the woes of the world. Some people will watch these shows and believe everything that is going on as the truth.
I feel that the shows like the daily show are for entertainment only. If I want to watch the news I will turn it on at 5,6,10 (on some stations), or 11 so that I can get the correct information. Also, I do not watch any of the infotainment news I only have watched SNL for comedic relief if I watched the Daily show with Jon Stewart it would annoy me and I definitely wouldn’t pay attention to the issues of the news.

1 comment:

  1. PROOFREAD for spelling, typos, and grammer. Katie "kurick?" Really? 18 points.
